Welcome to CTMA

The CTMA was created to support and create a networking infrastructure and public awareness public awareness of the rare neuroimmunologic disorders of the central nervous system. The Canadian Transverse Myelitis Association (CTMA) was incorporated on July 12, 2010 as an organization dedicated to advocate and support those who have these rare neuroimmunologic diseases.

How to Make a Donation

Donations can be made by cheque and sent to:
The Canadian Transverse Myelitis Association
263 Malcolm Circle
Dorval, QC  H9S 1T6
Or you can click here to donate through Canada Helps .

Spinal Injury Research Centre

The Blusson Spinal Cord Centre is a unique facility dedicated to advancing world-leading integrated research and care for people with spinal cord injury.
Learn more

Where your money goes

The goal of this trust is to help families who cannot afford the necessary items that their child may need as a result of Transverse Myelitis
Read more

Support those living with TM

Bring awareness and support to those who live with Transverse Myelitis by purchasing and wearing these bands and help us in Shining the light. $2 or 3 for $5 plus shipping.
Buy now

Upcoming Events

St. Patrick’s Day Parade!  March 16th
Annual Golf Charity Tournament May 24th

Click here for more information

Contact Us
263 Malcolm Circle
Dorval, QC  H9S 1T6
Website: http://www.mytm.ca
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.